Why I’ve fired patients

you're firedThat’s right, I’ve fired patients and its possible that I’ll do it again! I love what I do and give it 100%, as do most acupuncturists. I genuinely care that my patients get well and there is little more disheartening than a patient who isn’t compliant. Compliance is how well the patient follows the doctor’s recommendations; herbal formulas or medicines, exercise regimens, dietary changes, etc. Essentially, the homework portion of a care plan. I get it, change is hard. Change is especially hard when its a lifestyle change. I wasn’t raised in an all natural or holistic environment; nor did I just wake up one day knowing how to take control and responsibility for my health. It was and STILL IS an evolving and painstaking process. I forget my herbs, I love fried chicken and bacon as much as the next girl, I am not always at the gym when I should be – but I try and every day new habits are easier, old ones are fading, and I am better.
Your health is your responsibility. You have to be involved. Acupuncture is something I do TO people, but health isn’t something that should be pushed on you. Its up to you to do your part too. Wanting the absolute best for my patients means late night researching, squinting at my screen for endless hours, consulting with other docs and therapists (md’s, chiro’s, other acupuncturists, massage therapists, hypnotherapists, reiki….), wracking my brain for every last bit of info I’ve read or learned or heard about regarding your condition so patients get the absolute best care. Most holistic healers are like this. I am not special or looking for thank yous or even appreciation. Most of us are are natural born healers and will always place the wellness of our patients above all else.
Remember that the formula or supplement I prescribed took me awhile to pick out just for you, the diet I created is tailored to YOUR needs and took me days to balance and put together, I pick points out specifically for your condition and symptoms. So when you come in add aren’t taking the meds, haven’t done the stretches, didn’t even look at the diet,  frequently cancel appointments, yes, I’ll fire you.
I do my best to make changes easy and sustainable for my patients and while I appreciate their monetary contributions to my habits of spoiling my bull terriers, what I’m really after is their health and wellness!
Having said all this,  if you come to me for a condition, like migraines and you’re compliant, and a year later there’s no improvement, you should fire me too!
http://www. facabook.com/thewellheals

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