What can acupuncture “do”?

I hear this question so often, you’d think I’d have a better answer besides, EVERYTHING. My next 2 favorite responses are “If you don’t need stitches or a cast, call me first,” and “If you can see your primary for it, I can treat it too.” While to some these might be understandable and acceptable answers, it occurred to me – after many blank stares in response – that these responses may be too broad or too vague to be helpful or informative.

So, what CAN acupuncture help with or heal? For starters, it helps with acute problems – recent injuries and illnesses that come up. Like a sprained ankle, sports injuries, the stomach bug going around at the office, the flu your little one brought home from school, seasonal allergies and colds too. Acupuncture also helps with chronic problems. Issues like chronic sciatica, diabetes, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, insomnia, skin conditions, hormone imbalances, and adrenal fatigue to list a few. A few slim, painless needles can be astoundingly wonderful at tightening and toning up the skin, as well as increasing the blood flow – these methods are natural replacements for botox and facelifts! My personal favorite, mental health. Acupuncture is much more successful than standard care options in cases of mental health concerns. Depression, bipolar, OCD, PTSD, ADHD, anxiety, unresolved emotions, and addiction are just a few problems that can be better treated, managed, or healed with acupuncture.

All that being said, not many people want to sit for a lecture in response to a simple question. So after much consideration, thought and something said to me in passing, I’ve come up with what I believe might be an ideal response. Acupuncture can do a great many things. Let me ask, what ails you and I’ll tell you what acupuncture can do for you!

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